Monday, August 8, 2011

CPD 23 - Thing 6

I feel pretty comfortable with online networks, although my use of them seems to come in waves. I've tried to make updating the facebook page for work a part of my "Weekly To Do List" and that has worked fairly well. My personal use of facebook is much more sporadic. I spend so much time on the computer during the day that I am often loath to look at the screen once my work day is over.

I have not made use of LinkedIn and am choosing not to at this point. I do like that idea of a separate social network just for professional stuff, but it seems that the line between personal and professional is very blurry right now. With so many professional organizations having a presence on facebook, I feel that I'm pretty connected already without creating an entirely new profile on an entirely new site. If I were looking for a job, I'm sure that I would take advantage of LinkedIn and the professional connections, but for the time being, I'm opting out.

I found the librarian-specific networks interesting, but very UK focused. I did add the CILIP blog posts to my Google Reader and am interested to see what comes up.

I would like to explore Google +. I think enough people (like me) are either bored with facebook or angry about their privacy policies that there's room for another, better social network. I've signed up for Michael Sauer's NCompass Live session this Wednesday on Google+ and am looking forward to hearing his take on the matter.

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